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Arroyo Grande Valley Little League

Arroyo Grande Valley Little League



Thank you to those who have completed the required background check. Here is important information about the 2025 Spring Little League season.

All umpires for Arroyo Grande Valley Little League are required to complete and pass a background check every season. 

WE WELCOME YOUTH UMPIRES! Many of our umpires for our Minors division are past AGVLL players and middle school/high school students. High School students can earn their community service credits. We will get them trained. If you have someone under 18 who is interested in umpiring, please contact our umpire in chief, Tim Plante: [email protected] 

Opening Day:  March TBD, 2025


  • Juniors (12-14 yr olds)
  • Intermediate (11-13 yr olds)
  • Majors (10-12 yr olds) 
  • Minors (8-10 yr olds)

Umpires Clinic:

  • Date and Time TBD. We will let you know when finalized.
  • The umpire clinic will review little league rules and basic umpire mechanics.
  • We encourage novice or new umpires to attend. If you want to attend but cannot make it then let us know and we can meet one-on-one.
  • Attendance is not required, but if you are new to umpiring or AGVLL you and the Umpire In Chief must talk before you umpire your first game.

Game Days, Times & Locations:

  • Intermediate & Majors games are played on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.
  • Minors games are played on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday (with a few Saturday Night Lights games)
  • Midweek game start times have not been finalized yet. It will either be 5:00pm or 5:30pm. We will keep you updated.
  • Saturday games start at 9am with games running every 2 or 2 1/2 hours depending on the division.
  • Intermediate games are played on Don Roberts Field.
  • Majors games are played on Santos Field.
  • Minors games are played on Pilg Field.


  • If you don't have your own equipment then the league will provide new umpires with your own mask, ball bag, plate brush and clicker.
  • Each score booth at the fields has two sets of shine guards and chest protector. These can be used for the game and returned to the score booth after the game.

Umpire Pay:

  • Over the years the league has had a mix of volunteer and paid umpires, depending on the division and need. Starting this season we will pay umpires in all the divisions. Pay will depend upon division and if the game is umpired solo or with a two person crew
  • If you wish to not be paid then please let us know.
  • Check are processed every two weeks and mailed out.

Livescan Fingerprinting:

  • Livescan info is here. You need to fill out an application and make an appointment. AGVLL will cover the fee.

Background Check:


  • Once the game schedules are made we will send out an email to you that will have a link to sign up for games. We anticipate the schedule will be done by mid-February.

We cannot have a successful little league season without umpires. Thank you for umpiring for Arroyo Grande Valley Little League.

Below is a map of Soto Sports Complex.

If you have questions please reach out to Tim Plante:

Tim Plante: [email protected]


Arroyo Grande Valley Little League
Arroyo Grande Valley Little League, P.O. Box 355
Arroyo Grande, California 93421

Email: [email protected]

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