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Arroyo Grande Valley Little League

Arroyo Grande Valley Little League

When is Registration?

Register online at  October 31, 2024 - January 29, 2025
All registrations must be completed online.  We will not have in-person registration this year.

When does the season start/end?

The season begins early March and goes until Early June (usually the weekend school gets out). Opening Day this year is March 8. 2025. The All-Star Season (upper Divisions) begins mid-June and goes through July or early August (depends on how well team does).

How much does it cost?

$140  per player October 31- November 29. No sibling discount.
$175 November 30- January 22nd. $150 for each additional sibling.
$190 January 23rd -  January 29th. $165 for each additional sibling.
Fee includes all games, picture package, team shirt & hat and end of season awards.

Do you offer Scholarships?

Yes, we do.  Please email [email protected] for instructions.
AGVLL recognizes that many people in our community are currently facing a financial hardship. We want to give every child the opportunity to play baseball no matter your financial situation. *If you would like to sponsor a child for the 2025 season please let us know.

What is your refund Policy?

All refund requests must be received in writing by January 31st (T-Ball, Farm, & Intermediate) / February 14th (Minors & Majors). Email [email protected].  After this date, refunds will NOT be issued as the league will start to incur many expenses in preparation for the upcoming season.  Expenses being incurred , but not limited to are: uniforms, field rentals, insurance, equipment, etc.  The refund amount will include the cost of registration less $20 admin fee.

What ages can play?

Ages 4-13. Players must turn 4 by Sept 1, 2024 - and-  cannot turn 13 prior to September 1st 2025.  Players are placed on team by their league age and their skill level. Click here to determine your league age.

T-Ball: Ages 4-6
Farm: Ages 7-8
Minors: Ages 8-10
Majors: Ages 10-12
Intermediate (50/70): Ages 11-13

What division should I sign-up for?

We offer six divisions of play for boys and girls (teams are co-ed) ages 4-13. The T-Ball and Farm divisions are non-competitive/instructional and teams are formed by our team formation committee.  Minors, Majors and Intermediate divisions are competitive/instructional and players are selected through coaches drafts based on player ability after attending a skills assessment.
Click here to read the specifics and rules for each division.

How Many kids are on a team?

T-Ball - 10 or 11 players
Farm - 10 or 11 players
Minors - 11 or 12 players
Majors - 11 or 12 players
Intermediate - 11 or 12 players
Juniors - 11 or 12 players


Will there be a tryout?

Yes, although it's more of a skills assessment. Every registered player gets placed on a team. Assessments usually take place in late February, and are required for all upper divisions players. (Minors, Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors).

How are the teams made? Can I request to play with a friend?

Minors, Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors are competitive divisions and are formed by a coaches draft, so teammate requests are not available (sibling requests will be accommodated). T-Ball and Farm are not competitive divisions, and we do our best to honor coach/teammate requests. Please request teammates when you register. We will NOT accept requests after teams have been formed.  We generally try to group kids by school so that they are playing with friends/classmates. *Requests are not guaranteed, but we do our best though.

When are the games?

T-Ball - 1 game per week on Saturdays only
Farm - 1 game per week on Saturdays only
Minors - 2 games per week. Either a Tuesday or Wednesday & Saturdays.
Majors - 2 games per week. Either a Tuesday or Wednesday & Saturdays.
Intermediate - 2 games per week. Either a Tuesday or Wednesday & Saturdays.

When/Where are the Practices?

T-Ball and Farm practice at Harloe Elementary. Minors, Majors and Intermediate divisions practice at the Soto Sports Complex. The practice schedule is set by the coach.  Typically, teams will have one or two practices per week.

The practice schedule set by our coach doesn't work for us, can we switch teams?

No, we are not able to move players to different teams to accommodate practice schedules.

Can I sign my player up to be a pool player?

For Minors, Majors and Intermediate divisions, we have a running list of pool players. This is a great way to get your player more time on the field. Contact your division rep or talk to your coach for more information.

What equipment do I need to purchase? What is provided by the league?

The league provides each player with a jersey and hat. We also have sets of catchers gear for each team and bats (although most kids have their own bat).   You will need baseball pants, protective cup (boys), socks, belt, helmet, glove, *cleats and bat.  Hold off on buying pants, socks and belt until you are assigned to a team.  Your coach will advise you on what color to purchase. *Metal spikes are allowed on the field, but CANNOT be worn on pitching mounds.

What bats are permitted for Little League?

As of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented by Little League International. USABat Standard bats must be used in the Little League Majors Division and below. Either USABat Standard bats or BBCOR bats must be used in the Intermediate Division.  Click here to learn more.

What's the difference between Little League and CAL Ripken Baseball?

Both are great programs for youth baseball players and both are offered in our baseball community!  There are a few key differences:

  • Age Range for LL is 4-13, vs. 4-12 for Cal Ripken. Cal Ripken is a division of Babe Ruth Baseball. Babe Ruth is for ages 13-18.
  • Field size is slightly smaller for LL than CR. (Except at the Intermediate level).
  • Little League has a "mercy" run rule.
  • In Little League, runners cannot lead-off bases until a pitch crosses home plate. (except in Intermediate division)
  • Because there are no lead-offs for baserunners, there are NO balks called in Little League. (except in Intermediate division)
  • Little League has a World Series at the end of the season that culminates in Williamsport, PA. To compete in the World Series, teams must advance from their Division, their Section, and then their Region. 

Read more about the differences between Little League and Cal Ripken here. Read more about Babe Ruth here.

I'm not sure what size jersey to order.

Youth Sizing:



Adult Sizing:



Arroyo Grande Valley Little League
Arroyo Grande Valley Little League, P.O. Box 355
Arroyo Grande, California 93421

Email: [email protected]

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